Code of Conduct

This code of conduct summarises the policies that you, as an employee, no matter what your job role is, are required to follow.
At Wanis Limited we consider ourselves a family and expect a standard of behaviour from our employees.
We will not tolerate any form of physical, sexual, racial, psychological or verbal abuse, or any other form of harassment.
We will never discriminate on the grounds of sex, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, ethnicity or nationality.
As a company, we expect all of our employees to follow all relevant laws and regulations.
Bribery and Corruption
No employee shall accept any unethical financial or non-financial inducements offered in relation to our business, which may have the intention of soliciting improper conduct.
Gifts and Hospitality
These can be seen as bribes so any gift, tip or hospitality offered in excess of £50 must be disclosed to a Wanis Director. No gifts or hospitality should be accepted which are lavish or could be interpreted as a bribe.
Fraud and Theft
All employees are expected to take necessary steps to protect the assets of the business. Acts that are considered fraud and theft include, but are not limited to:
– removal of company assets for personal gain
– deliberately misrepresenting the company to a third party, and
– falsifying company records
We encourage competition and for our employees to compete in a fair and ethical manner.
Employees must not:
– discuss or enter into any anti-competitive agreements with competitors, customers or suppliers
– discuss any commercially sensitive information with a competitor
– offer or solicit any payments or inducements in the course of their business
Any such behaviour by an employee should be brought to the attention of a Director.
All employees are to avoid all instances where personal interests may conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of Wanis Limited.
Examples of this include, but are not limited to:
– a family member taking up employment by a supplier, customer or competitor
– awarding a contract to a company run by a friend or family member
– offering a job to a friend or family member without performing proper process
– involvement in any activity for personal gain which is not in Wanis Limited’s business interests
Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed to your line manager, HR or a Director as soon as you are aware they exist.
All employees are to comply with restrictions that have been applied to sanctioned regimes.
All employees must understand what sanctions they are required to screen for and be able to prove that they are acting in compliance. Sanctions lists can be searched easily online.
New customers must be screened for sanctions as part of the onboarding process. Existing customers and third parties should also be screened on a regular basis in order to comply with the changing landscape.
This guide cannot cover all situations so if you have any doubts, please consider the following:
– Is it legal, honest or ethical?
– Is it consistent with company policies?
– Would I feel comfortable explaining it to my family and friends?
– Would I feel comfortable explaining it to my colleagues?
– Would I feel comfortable explaining it to a court of law?
This Code of Conduct is effective from 8th May 2023. The Wanis Finance Director is responsible for maintaining this Code.
Finance Director